Hobbies - Hobby Resources Online

At hobby.net.au you can search for a hobby or tell us about your hobbies or get some information about a huge range of hobbies. We have articles about interesting pastimes that you can bring into your life - some you may never have heard of! - and other more well-known like: RC Models - radio-controlled Models. And we hope to provide some useful information about your hobby.

Or maybe you have already found something you love and are enthusiastic about and you want to tell the world and/or find others to discuss it with and swap tips. If o contact and write to us at info@hobby.net.au with your hobby idea.

Some people develop their passion into businesses. We can help publicise it for you on our site by promoting your hobby business in our hobby business directory. We don;t charge businesses to list in the directory, we provide this as a free service to our site visitors who are likely looking for a business offering the services you do. There are already lots of businesses listed - check it out! To enter your business go to the login page and register.

The business directory is for Australian Hobby Businesses only, however we have a hobby links directory that hobby businesses from around the world can list in. The bobby article submission section of our site is open to hobbyists and hobby experts from around the world. If you've got something useful to share with our site visitors, we are happy to publish it and credit you for the article. Original unpublished articles only please.

See an example here - Tony Stott's article about RC Aerial Photography

There are heaps of hobbies for whom you don't need lots of money. You can find activities who can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skills; together with friends or family or on your own.

Maybe you want to get fit, or meet new people, or have given up smoking and want something to take your mind off it! This site is a good place to start.

If you have questions about your hobby then send them here as we are just starting up a forum. This is also the place to send any images about the hobby you are proud of, or tasty recipes you love - see our Chocolate Cake.

Write to us at info@hobby.net.au

Hope you have fun with our site, good luck, and let us know what you like or dislike.



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