Ace Curtain Cleaning Canberra (Listing id 16566)

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Phone No : 0488 853 920

Moore St
Canberra Australian Capital Territory 2601

Cleaning your curtains on a regular basis will extend their life and improve their appearance, why not visit, GPS Drawing keeping the entire room also look at, Are 3D printing services saving time and money? appearing bright and clean and creating a healthier living environment. why not visit, Digital Photography Ace Curtain Cleaning Canberra can provide the greatest quality by employing environmentally why not visit, RTR RC Cars friendly cleaning techniques. We have expertise in all forms of curtain steam cleaning and we have been delivering quality service to all of our clients for many years. In Canberra, our professionals are skilled and hardworking, and they do their work efficiently.

Contact us at 0488 853 920 for immediate curtain cleaning services.

The following services we deliver:
1. Curtain Cleaning
2. Commercial Drape Cleaning
3. Blind Cleaning
4. Stain Removing Services

Time: Mon-Sun 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Payment Method: Visa, Master Card, AMEX, Credit Card, Cash, Cheque, Paypal

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