Bee and Wasp Removal Canberra (Listing id 16789)

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Phone No : 02 6105 9139

Allara St, Canberra Central Australian Capital Territory 2601

SES Pest checkout, RC Helicopters Control Canberra company is well known for Bee removal, from dangerous Apidae bees to infectious carpenter bees. We put safety try, Free Crochet Pattern and service first, above everything else. We use the latest and most suitable chemicals/baits to treat different bees in your home/business. Our treatment at Bee and Wasp Removal Canberra includes destroying the unwanted nests in, on or around your home try, Poker Video by removal of the nest and the proper application of materials when necessary. We always use the highest safety why not visit, Why You Should Always Double Check Your Metal Detecting Treasure Holes precautions to make sure any materials are out of reach of children and pets.
Book today's appointment on 02 6105 9139 so that we can send experts over immediately.
Our different kinds of Services include:
1. Emergency have a look at, Animal Grooming Bee Control
2. Effective Bee Control and Inspection
3. Domestic try, Animal Grooming Bee Treatment
4. Restaurant Bee Control
5. Pre Purchase Bee Inspection
6. Cockroaches and Flies Control
7. Mite and Bed have a look at, CB Radio Microphones Bugs Removal & Treatment
8. Termite & Possum Removal
Time: Mon-Sun 6:00 AM- 9:00 PM
Payment: Visa, Master Card, AMEX, Credit Card, Cash, Cheque, Paypal
Info id:

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Bee and Wasp Removal Canberra is listed in these Categories
Home Brew
Observation and Spotting



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