Burleigh Waters Physical Culture (Listing id 8492)

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Phone No : 0410830495
Mobile No: 0410830495

Whistler Drive
Burleigh Waters Queensland 4220

Burleigh Waters try, Flat colour Wash Physical Culture... we call also see, Massage Oils it Physie (pronounced fizzy) is a dance sport, unique to Australia that provides you and your child with more than just opportunities to perform and compete.

- Modern Dance
- Standing & Floor consider, Home Improvement Books Exercise Routines
- Basic Ballet & Contemporary Dance
- Aerobic Warm Ups
- Marching
- Jazz & Hip Hop Style Dance
- Stretching

Burleigh Waters consider, Wood Doll House Physie Club offers classes for girls 3 years to ladies in both Recreational & Competitive.

Visit our website for more information: www.burleighwatersphysie.com.au

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