Bus and Driver (Listing id 8849)

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Phone No : 0280061999
Mobile No: 0280061999

Level 3 171 Victoria Street Potts Point NSW 2011 Australia
Sydney New South Wales 2011

We have over 20-years management experience in the Australian and New Zealand bus and coach industry. Customer service, sales and marketing, and new technologies were always our focus.

Rick Schindler on Bus and Driver: " we solve two problems: it's a one-stop booking, renting and hiring shop for those looking for transport solutions. Our database profiles the bus and coach companies then matches them to the clients requests. It also gives bus and coach operators a specific match to potential customers."

It's a simple platform for best group and private booking services.

Rick Schindler has worked for bus and coach operators and owned them. "I was always looking for buses and coaches that matched my needs and those of my clients. There was always a need to consolidate the many excellent small to medium bus companies across the country , Team Associated RC Models to make it easier for customers to find them. Bus and Driver is it" says Rick.

The combined Bus and coach management, customer service, event, and technology expertise makes Bus and Driver the perfect choice for everyone. Hurry up Register / Contact Us to book, hire, rent our bus, charter, coach and drivers.

This ad has been viewed 1340 times since its launch on (03/21/2015)

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