Coco's Restaurant (Listing id 8964)

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Phone No : (08) 9474 3030

Grd Floor – 85 The South Perth Esplanade
South Perth Western Australia 6151

Coco’s Restaurant is one of the most famous restaurants in Western Australia. We have been running successfully for more than 25 years and we are proudly known for our variety of tasty food consider, Bat Mobile Diecast and high quality vintage wines.

We are one of the leading wine clubs in Australia with the best quality vintage wines. We procure directly from vineyard and store them at our cellars. We offer all types of wines at reasonable cost. We cater our services to weddings, meetings, corporate events etc. We host special events on Christmas day lunch, New Years Eve, Perth Skyshow etc. Our cuisine is modern Australian prepared from local look at, Needlecraft Collectibles fresh produce.

This ad has been viewed 1651 times since its launch on (07/24/2015)

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