Fire & Water Healing Centre (Listing id 14086)

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Phone No : 0428469288

Upstairs Maleny Community Centre 3/23 Maple Street
Maleny Queensland 4552

Sharon Hudson is a Maleny Naturopath, Nutritionist & Herbalist who has opened the Fire try, Knitting Gloves & Water consider, RC Events Healing Centre.The Healing Centre has been a dream of Sharon’s for many years. She has been an advocate of natural also look at, Wall Display Cases medicine her whole life. Indeed, her mother before her taught her many traditional uses and was a student of Dennis Stewart’s in Western Herbal Medicine back in the 80’s. Sharon’s mum is now a super fit 83 year old in perfect health. Our Gumbi Gumbi is wildcrafted from the pittosporum angustifolium tree checkout, Iron Track MX400 Dirt Bike a native to Australia once prolific but now quite rare. Only one variety of this tree also look at, RC Stadium Trucks possesses all the healing qualities & what better than Sharon an Aboriginal healer identifying the correct species & hand picking the leaves whilst blessing and thanking the tree also look at, Guidelines for Preserving Flowers for its medicine. Sharon then extracts the medicine by traditional methods combined with her knowledge of Herbal manufacturing, learnt while completing her 4yr degree in Health Science. Sharon is able to provide medicinal grade Gumbi Gumbi to her patients under her TGA approval. Gumbi Gumbi Wild liquid concentrate is sold for your convenience in 100ml dropper bottles and Sharon will prescribe the correct dosage for you.

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