God's Money Matters (Listing id 8758)

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Phone No : 1300713929

Canberra Australian Capital Territory 2600

God's Money Matters is one of the best sources for Christian financial planning services in Canberra, Australia. Owned and operated by Darren Laudenbach, Gods Money Matters is committed to help Christians in Deakin, Canberra, ACT with Bible based financial planning. Darren himself is a certified financial planner with over 25 years experience as financial advisor, planner.

How can you benefit from Gods Money Matters:

Learn Bible Based Financial Planning

Master Money rather than being mastered by Money

Be in state of financial well being

Be an example to children, friend and community

You can also benefit by attending our events, listen to our several financial programs like Radio SoundBits; attend Bible Based Financial BOOTCAMP etc. Know more at about the events at http://www.godsmoneymatters.com/events/ and radio soundbites can be found at http://www.godsmoneymatters.com/radiosoundbites/

God Bless!

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