IQ Catering (Listing id 10185)

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Phone No : 039455 0818

6/101 Burgundy Street
Heidelberg Heights Victoria 3084

When it comes to delicious food look at, Guide to Geofiction and top class service there is no better team. No matter where you need us or your budget we are ready to help. We offer gourmet catering for a range of parties and events with focus always being the customer needs, attention to detail and of course great food. look at, RC Submarine With anything from sandwiches, finger food try, DIY Shower Plumbing parties, gourmet canapé, buffet service, we can provide you a memorable service for your office lunch, corporate event, birthday, wedding and much much more.

To experience that difference in service please fill out the details below or call why not visit, RC RTR Nitro Cars us on 03 9455 0818 and we will be happy to discuss the catering needs for your next function.

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