K and G Machinery (Listing id 11085)

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Phone No :  (07) 4943 6160

9 May Rd Queensland 4512

Established in 2004 we are based in Victoria and Queensland and have proudly been supplying Tool also see, AXI RC Motors carriers, Excavators, Ballast Regulators, other various Plant try, Eco Commercial Cleaning Melbourne & Equipment Including Narrow and Standard , Geocaching Gauge. We provide extremely competitive rates with equipment hire available in all states and supply Specialised Railway Personnel to Major Railway Companies throughout Australia. We have a select database for all your Railway Equipment & Staffing needs. Even If we don’t have what you are looking for, we will gladly source it for you. We are available 7 days a week to supply all your Railway Equipment needs. Contact us today on 07 4943 6160. We look forward to doing business with you!

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