Kazakh National Medical University (Listing id 13830)

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Phone No : +91-9910656632
Mobile No: +91-9910886332
 Australian Capital Territory 122002

It is one of the best medical universities ok Kazakhstan. The university was founded in 1930 in the Almaty countryside. The government of Kazakhstan awarded the title of National University to the Kazakh National Medical University in 2001 for its best academic achievements

The National Medical University of Kazakhstan has been recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The university offers various programs such as undergraduate, postgraduate and postgraduate programs for undergraduate students.

The university has complete equipment, modern infrastructure and the best medical equipment. The Kazakhstan National Medical University has approximately 1,500 faculty members and approximately 11,000 students’ study at this university. Many students from many different countries checkout, Social media marketing Adelaide apply for admission to the Kazakh National Medical University.

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