Melbourne Latin Dance (Listing id 9055)

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Phone No : 0419150174

Level 1/147 Swan St
Richmond Victoria 3121

Melbourne Latin Dance has long been regarded as one of the best Latin dance schools in Melbourne due to the quality of its classes - specifically the high level of technique taught. In 2015 MLD is celebrating its 10th Birthday, making MLD one of the longest running Salsa schools in Melbourne but more importantly - a friendly and fun place consider, Top 10 DIY Plumbing Solutions to learn Latin dance in Melbourne! The main styles of dance we offer are Salsa, Samba, Reggaeton and Bachata.

We have been offering Salsa classes in Melbourne for 10 years and were the first Latin dance school to offer Bachata classes in Melbourne. Shortly after that we were one of the very first schools to introduce Reggaeton to the Melbourne salsa scene and soon followed Brazilian Samba which is another favorite at Melbourne Latin Dance.

Our classes are taught as 6 Week Courses because organized syllabus courses have proven to be a far more efficient and effective way for students to learn and retain what they learn with revision and repetition, as compared to casual classes.

Our classes are taught by our team of friendly and well trained instructors at our centrally located studio in Richmond.

We welcome students of all levels from absolute beginners to advanced dancers! Come with a friend or come alone – you don’t need to come with a partner!

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