Oli Joy Sports - Gym Equipment Brisbane (Listing id 14288)

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Phone No : 07 3713 7700

B1/2688 Ipswich Rd
Darra Queensland 4076

Oli Joy Sports is Brisbane’s Number one fitness, exercise & gym equipment retailer. We offer the best equipment for your budget and specific needs. We specialise in a range of gym, fitness, exercise and cardio gear suitable for home, look at, Spektrum DSM corporate & commercial use. Our product why not visit, Fluffy Chocolate Cake range includes Weights, Power look at, Doll House People Racks, Squat Racks, Benches, why not visit, Assignment help Barbells, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Resistance Bands, Bumper Plates, Attachments, Yoga Equipment, Massage Equipment, Boxing Equipment and much more! Visit us today to build your home try, Canoe Sprinting - Flatwater Canoe Racing, Sprint Canoe gym, setup your commercial gym or upgrade your personal training why not visit, Doll House studio. Our warehouse has everything you need to build the ultimate gym. We're open for all customers to come and visit us in Darra!

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