Tims Tile and Grout Cleaning Paddington (Listing id 19595)

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Phone No : 02 8319 1071

157 King St, Sydney New South Wales 2000

Our company Tims Tile also look at, Rag Doll making and Grout Cleaning Sydney mainly focuses on tile also look at, Collectible Hood Ornaments regrouting services at affordable rates. If you need to clean tile floors checkout, Tamiya RC Cars the trained staff at Tile consider, CB Radio Meter and Grout Cleaning Paddington which gives a tried-and-true approach revitalizes stain and shine tiles. checkout, Fiberglass Boat Building Our entire equipped vehicle is available throughout the city to deliver services in cases of emergency also look at, House Scale Models without extra pay as a result through our service highly skilled staff members are equipped with cutting-edge equipment that can handle almost any task with much effort.
We offer the lowest prices for our guaranteed cleaning, so contact us today at 02 8319 1071.
Our different kinds of Services include:
1. Tile , Wooden Doll House Regrouting
2. Tile checkout, Aura Cleaning Sunshine Coast - Cleaning Restoration
3. Pressure Granite Cleaning
4. Tile have a look at, Mixed Media Collage Mould And Stain Removal
5. Stone also see, Collectible Corgi Cars Polishing
6. Same-Day Tile try, Robotic Arms Cleaning Service

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