Uthong Thai Restaurant (Listing id 13215)

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Phone No : 03 59750338

6/216 Main Street Mornington VIC 3931
Mornington Victoria 3931

If you are fond of Asian cuisine, Uthong Thai Restaurant in Mornington is a great place also see, Traxxas RC Cars to go. We serve dishes prepared with sea foods, try, RC Big Cars which are the combinations of special sauce, curry powder, noodles, vegetables also look at, Bharwan Baigan - Indian Style Stuffed Aubergines and sea foods. also see, CB Radio Reviews Whether it is soups, fries and combination of veggies and non-vegetarian items, we, at Uthong Thai Restaurant have laid our hands to experiment culinary skills. have a look at, DIY House Renovations Our restaurant could be the destination for you to grab discounts and takeaway Asian food also see, Traxxas RC Cars in Mornington at lower price.

Why choose us: Our food , DIY Bathroom restaurant in Mornington not only instigate your craving for Thai food also look at, Best DDR3 Motherboards but also offer services to enjoy your food consider, Digital Studio Photography in your space. We have the facility of taking away food consider, Popular Light Festivals Around The World of your choices and what makes us unstoppable is the quality of Thai food try, Collectible Fountain Pens in Mornington.

Specialization that we have:

• Facility of take away food:

You will get the option to order food also look at, Why you need quality shop fitouts? anywhere anytime.
You will get all available dishes online. why not visit, South African BBQ waterblommetjie potjie
• A plethora of choices:

Satisfy your craving with different dishes like, Pad Grattiem, Lemon chicken, sizzling sea food, why not visit, Needlepoint chicken and mango sauce, duck paradise, soft shell crab, jungle curry, yellow curry, red lamb curry, pad honey, BBQ chicken & lemon grass, consider, Digital Photography Forum etc.
You will get certain offers on orders above a certain range.
• Super quality food:

We maintain taste and nutrition at the same time.
We never compromise on quality and not even charge extra money for offers.
For more details, visit our website @ https://www.uthongthairestaurant.com.au or visit our GMB page @ http://bit.ly/2Trymg5

This ad has been viewed 701 times since its launch on (10/06/2020)

The owner of this listing was in "Australia" when this ad was placed.

Uthong Thai Restaurant is listed in these Categories
Organic Foods



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