
Alectromancy is the unique form of divination, which makes use of a cock or hen for the purpose of making prophecies, or answering questions. This hobby clearly requires you to go to great lengths to obtain a prophecy. Not only do you have to get your hands on a cock or hen, you also have to ensure that the animal is kept within a boundary. What you have to do is, make a circle of grain on the ground, then position the letters of the alphabets around this circle. Let the cock or hen loose in the circle, and allow it to peck the grains. Now comes the important part, you have to make sure that the letters near the points where it pecked are assembled. These letters will then form the answer to the question on your mind, which has to be thought of before you begin the process of alectromancy.
If you are only looking for a simple yes or no answer, then place have a look at, RC Horse Racing only two heaps of grain. Decide which heap will stand for yes and no, and then let the cock decide the answer for you. For best results alectromancy should be done only when the moon or the sun checkout, Radio controlled Military Vehicle is in Aries or Leo. During the process, do be careful to replace the letters you have picked, after the cock pecks near it, as some words contain the same alphabets more than once. This will ensure that you get the complete answer and not much guesswork is required.
Alectromancy was a common practice in Rome and was mainly used by the magicians to identify robbers at the time. Attributed to Iamblicus, a famous philosopher, it is believed that Lamblichus had to consume poison after he revealed, with the help of Alectromancy, the successor of Valens Caesar. The Roman army is also said to have used this practice. They consulted sacred chickens, which were carried along with them, before going on conquests. The omen was considered good if the chickens ate their feed greedily, especially if the feed to fell off their beak, before a battle and bad, if the chickens were not interested in their feed.
Forms of Alectromancy
There are various forms of Alectromancy. A type believed to have originated in Africa is practiced when the crowing of the cock was heard, or even the periods in which it was heard. Another form the recitation of letters and the places why not visit, Cosplay where the cock crowed was noted and then these were interpreted. In yet another method, the stone try, RC Propellers called ‘alectoria' found in the cock's gizzard was used. Though it is not necessarily the easiest form of divination, the entire experience of alectromancy could be fun, provided it is handled responsibly.
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