Artistic Languages
Artistic languages are those that may have been developed to ease communication between people but consist of a different vocabulary and grammatical structure. Of the various schools to study the construction of artistic languages, the naturalist school is most famous as it propagates its own style rather than following the source language.
Genres classify Artistic Languages into sub categories. They include:
Fictional languages:
Building a fictional world and have the characters of this world talk to each other in our lingo can be quite exciting. Home consider, Alphie Toy Robot to the maximum artistic languages this category is has been giving depth to our fictional world. With the growth of technology this category is further subdivided into, internet look at, Making Soy Candles based language, where the communication is over the internet , Remote Control Bulldozer and professional language, where the exchange is for games, movies etc. The language used in Star trek is an example.
Alternate language:
The history of the world shows many countries checkout, DIY Painting being invaded and the rulers having a different native language. Gradually as time passed, the native language died and a new dialect originates. The alternative language gets back to the roots checkout, CB Radios for Sale of the language of the un- invaded land, studies it and tries to develop it. To get clarity, if Greece was invaded by Romans, Greek would lose importance and Latin would emerge as more dominant, then Greek would be a form of alternative artistic language.
Micro national language:
This language is developed to cater to the needs of the people participating in micro national meets.
Personal languages:
An attempt by anyone to beautify a language for personal use. Such languages do not last long. They may be often found posted on the net as blogs, people do try to write articles and put them up on their boards in this language. We can also find this category of artificial languages classified as internet checkout, DIY Kitchen Tiling based language many times. It can be a mix of two languages as well.
Many people create a twist to a language in an effort to make it sound funny? These languages fall consider, RC Car - General under the category of Jokelangs. Though not a structured approach, jokelangs are more of a hobby, and do not last very long.
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