Bridge - Card Game

Bridge is typically associated with old rich couples at boring parties, but all that seems to be changing now. Touted to be one of the hardest card games to master, Bridge requires strategic decision making. A partner game, Bridge requires at least four people, with a pair forming one team. One point to note is that the partners do not sit next to each other, but in fact opposite to each other.
Contrary to popular belief, Bridge is not a very ancient game. Developed in the late nineteenth century by the British, the initial version was known as Auction Bridge. Later it became a rage in Britain and the popularly adopted version came into existence, it was known as Contract Bridge. Unlike the old days, when it was the one of the very few available ways to socialize, Bridge has today taken a virtual form as well.
How to play Bridge
Played with a normal deck consider, RC Airplane Kits of fifty two cards, Bridge requires that all the cards are dealt out, which means that each player should have 13 cards when they begin the game. Now before you start playing, it is important to understand that Bridge is mainly about two concepts, bidding and play. Before you try to understand what bidding is all about, learn about the play. The players have to bid according to the cards they have in their hands. The suits are important while bidding, but during play all suits are the same, except for the trump, which beats everything.
Your motive while playing this game is to win tricks look at, Panasonic Digital Camera for your team. What in the world is a trick? Well, you win a trick , Tile Collectibles when you gather four cards from each player, in the clockwise direction. You can win up to thirteen tricks why not visit, How to fossick for Gold in a particular game. And the team that wins most number of tricks also see, RC Landing Gear wins the game. It is the bidding part which decides the declarer, trumps and the required number of tricks try, Diecast Model Companies for a win, and any player can do it.
Though its popularity had dipped in the past few decades but with the introduction of virtual version of Bridge the game is regaining its popularity. Though probably not the most popular game in the world, it is definitely a good idea to try your hand at Bridge.
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