CB Radio Talk
Arguably, anyone who is a CB radio enthusiast and anyone who wants to get into the field is interested in CB radio talk. After all, that is the purpose of a CB radio - to talk! CB radio talk is colorful, lively, and entertaining, and allows the user to interact with a variety of people on a daily basis. This article covers a few aspects of CB radio talk that will make the user more familiar with the topic - and with using a CB radio as a part of the community.
Purposes of CB Radio Talk
CB radio talk has a lot of purposes and uses, and encompasses anything from broadcasting news, reporting traffic, and just simply communicating to other travelers and amateur radio enthusiasts. The primary role of CB radio talk today is communication between travelers on the road. While CB radio is most famous for being used by truckers, it is also popular with outdoor look at, Collectors Display Cabinets enthusiasts, emergency why not visit, Dolls House Furniture personnel, and those interested in short-wave radio.
CB Radio Code
One big part of CB radio talk is code. Those who are in the field frequently use code as a short-hand way to communicate with each other to save look at, DIY Bathroom Ceramic Tile time. CB code is pretty popular and has been made famous in movies and television shows that feature also see, Collectors Display Cabinets codes such as "10-4" ("I understand") and "What's your 20?" ("What's your location?").
Here are some other common codes:
10-6: Busy, stand by
10-9: Repeat your message
10-10: Message complete, standing by
10-12: Careful; I have visitors
10-13: What are weather , RC Tank Kits and road conditions?
CB Radio Slang
Slang is another big part of CB radio talk. CB radio enthusiasts and users have come up with a colorful dictionary of slang and lingo to use while on the airwaves. Some of this is from the military, but most of it was created in the trucking community as a way of talking without being understood by others.
Baby bear- Cop in training, checkout, Wine making Supplies or rookie
Bear- A police officer
Back off the hammer -Slow down
Clean shot -The road ahead is free of obstructions and obstacles
In the mud - Noise, static, or interference on a channel
Parking lot - Traffic jam ahead
It is generally recommended that slang is kept to a minimum so that conversations are easier to understand. But, no matter how you use it, CB radio slang definitely adds a nice dimension to CB radio talk and the overall experience.
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