Collecting Milk Bottles

Collecting Milk Bottles

By Kenneth Keith Kallenbach

Back when I was a teenager I used to go back in the woods also look at, RC Off-Road Cars around my house , RC RTR Tanks and dig in old dumps for milk bottles. These dumps would be very old from the 1940's and 1950's and the dump would be covered over with grass look at, Sword Display Case and dirt. If you didn't know there were bottles under there it would just look like regular woods. look at, Sword Display Case I used to go back in the woods why not visit, RC Boat with my dog, have a look at, Knitting Socks my German Shepard, and my shovel and dig in what I called a bottle mine.

There would just be tons and tons of old bottles and many old rubber tires. That's all it would be, old soda and Clorox bottles and tons of useless bottles and once in a great while I would come across a milk bottle and take it home also see, RC Quadcopter Controllers and clean it with a brush and add it to my collection. But the bottles that I dug up that were in the ground for many years, at least 50 years or more, the pyro or paint why not visit, RC Helicopters on the bottles was wearing off and many of the bottles were scratched up and chipped so they really weren't in that great of shape. I mean I got a few gems but not many.

So then I started collecting them off EBay because those bottles have never been in the ground and they are in excellent condition, the ones I get anyway. So I have my current collection up online look at, Layered Chocolate Cake for the world to view at:

I hope you enjoy them!


milkbottle1 milkbottle2 milkbottle3

Bergdoll's Dairy 1 quart round milk bottle

from Boothwyn, PA.

Five Points Dairy 1 quart round milk bottle

from Richardson Park, DE.






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