Drawing Eyes

Three Easy Steps to Drawing Eyes Successfully
Drawing eyes are one of the most important aspects of portrait art. Most artists will try out portraiture for themselves at some point in their artistic career, but drawing eyes often seem to be a difficult skill consider, South African BBQ Pap to acquire. If we can become proficient at drawing eyes, then we can really capture the very essence of the person we are trying to portray.
Practice of course makes perfect for any form of art and the following steps will help to provide a good foundation for drawing eyes competently.
1. Take a good look at the eyes of someone close to you. Try to understand the basic anatomy of the eye itself. The eyes portray the true character of the person; see if you can define this through your observations. Why are these eyes different from others?
2. Whilst observing eyes, notice just how different they are on different individuals. A variety of shapes and colours. have a look at, Railroad Collectibles Some people?s eyes are lined and others have dark shadows underneath. It is important to capture all of this to ensure that your drawing is accurate. Consider their eyelashes and how you will draw them.
3. If you are fortunate enough to have a model sat in front of you, have fun with them and get them to change look at, Buttonhole or Blanket Stitch their expressions. Get them to frown, laugh and look sad. Their eyes and the shape of their faces will all change consider, Kite Festivals depending on their emotions and pose and this will help you to think about how you wish them to look for your actual portrait.
Once you have finished your observations, start off your drawing session with some very quick sketches. It can be a good idea to do some sketches just of the eyes themselves so that you can be sure that you know how to look at, Giant RC Tanks draw these correctly and can capture the identity of the model quickly and easily. Once you feel confident with drawing eyes, you can start your portrait.
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