Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation was for the longest time considered a skill why not visit, Risk - The War Game of psychics. But this interesting subject is today no more restricted to the "blessed", and many people are entering this field to better understand their dream patterns. Even as Sigmund Freud argued that dreams were only a result of the need for wish-fulfillment, and mostly consisted of events that have occurred in the previous day, dream interpretation is today looked on almost as a science.

Requiring a sound knowledge of what causes dreams, a logical way of thinking and a healthy also see, Soap Making Safety dose of intuition, dream interpretation is even taught as part of psychology courses in some universities. Though not going as far as claiming that dreams are a form of divine communication, they do try to explain what causes dreams and why different people have different dreams.

Carl Jung and Dream Interpretation

Another theorist in the field Carl Jung claimed that the human psyche was a "self-regulating organism'', which puts up unconscious (dreams) elements to compensate conscious thoughts. Whereas Calvin S. Hall claimed that dreams were purely visual representations of a person's conception. Many people follow this approach and over the years, dream interpreters have come up with specific meanings for certain objects found commonly in dreams. For example, seeing a child in your dreams means you are either entering a joyous phase in your life, or are currently being immature, all depending on the overall theme of your dream.

To further your study of dream interpretation, it is best to read the works of these leading theorists to understand the basic foundations of dreaming. If that is too much work for you, then head for any of the numerous dream interpretation websites, where you either enter a keyword, or your entire dream, to receive an interpretation.

Understanding that dreams are quite personal, and are a dialogue with our unconscious self, helps give more direction to your dream interpretation. Rather than being a prophetic message, dreams are generally seen as a reflection of what is going on within a person. Dream interpretation is definitely fun, but it can also be a means to understand oneself better, mainly as it open as channel of communication with your inner self.

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