Famous Works of Geofiction

Interested in geofiction? If so, you may be interested in some major works in literature that have inspired many geoficitioners in their hobby - as well as countless best-selling films, publications, and projects.
Geofiction - a hobby in which you plan checkout, Wood Model House out and create an entire world or universe completely from your own imagination - is not merely a fun, engaging hobby; it is also, for many people, a path , Rook or Missionary Poker towards greater achievement. The works described below are geofiction projects that morphed into definitive pieces of literature or cinema, and could inspire you to create your own brave new world.
The Lord of the Rings Series - J.R.R. Tolkien
While serving in the trenches of World War I, British author J.R.R. Tolkien wrote notes and other scribbling that would later create The Silmarillion, an epic overview of a mythical world known as Arda - and one that would eventually spawn Middle-Earth and the legendary and classic books collectively known as The Lord of the Rings.
Tolkien's geofiction project, to put it simply, was a masterpiece of geofiction, one that has given birth to many of the archetypes that are still widely used today. The modern-day notion of tall, elegant, and ethereal elves in fantasy today, for example, come from Tolkien. Previously, elves were small, mischievous creatures in folklore throughout Europe. Tolkien also created his own languages - of which some are fully-developed languages that can be used for communication. The level depth of detail - as well as the classic, enduring themes created - in Tolkien's geofiction has set the standard why not visit, Digital Camera Software for the hobby for centuries to come.
Star Wars: The Extended Universe - George Lucas et al.
In 1977, film producer George Lucas released Star Wars, which would be the first movie in a six-movie series that would earn billions and spawn dozens of popular novels collectively entitled the Extended Universe. The Star Wars saga as a whole is perhaps the most commercially-successful geofiction project ever, giving us classic planets, also look at, Art Glass Collectibles legends, and civilizations in addition to legendary characters like Darth Vader and Yoda.
The novelization of the series, found in the Extended Universe, takes geofiction even further by expanding the Star Wars universe via works written by a network of authors, who create languages, civilizations, planets, look at, South African game recipe for saddle of Venison races, and events of their own. In this way, the Extended Universe encompasses perhaps the most prolific geofiction project of all time.
The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis
This project (from a close friend of J.R.R. Tolkien) has become a timeless classic all over the world for its vibrant, magical world of Narnia and the stories that it has inspired. C.S. Lewis created a hybrid geofiction world combining two different universes: the real world as we know it, circa World War II, and a completely mythical land known as Narnia. The Chronicles of Narnia, like Lord of the Rings, is famous for its magical stylings as well as the deep inner themes that tie together the geographic and creative aspects of geofiction with real-world applications - reasons why geofiction is such a popular and engrossing hobby today.
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