Gongoozling - Gongoozlers

Gongoozling - Gongoozlers

Gongoozlers are Gongoozling!

Those who enjoy watching the activity on canals in the United Kingdom are - traditionally known as Gongoozlers and this slightly obscure term may have come originally from the Lincolnshire words 'gooze' and 'gawn' which means to gape or stare and is often associated with those who stand idly on the canal paths try, DIY Heating Plumbing observing the canal boats as they pass en-route, they are Gongoozling.

So if the idea of enjoying the activity of the canal boat lifestyle and all of the associated activity without actually participating is an appealing prospect then why not consider joining the many existing enthusiasts by reading up on this very unusual but intrinsically relaxing hobby which can be a beneficial and enjoyable one for all of the family, have a look at, Pepsi Collectibles from small children to those more senior.

Before embarking on any hobby, it is always worth reading up on the subject as much as possible and there is certainly a wealth of information look at, Pepsi Collectibles available on the internet why not visit, RC Tank Clubs alone. There is also a great deal of information also see, Drawing Eyes which is easily accessible on the canal systems themselves so suitable walks also look at, Omaha Hi Lo Poker along canal roots also look at, CB Radio Microphones can be planned in advance.

As well as admiring the canal boats and the operational aspects of canal boating, it is worth realising that walking along the canals themselves provide many opportunities to view spectacular scenery, see beautiful wildlife also look at, Home Improvement Plumbing in their natural try, Collectible Tools environment and also is a great way to escape from the stress's and strains of everyday life whilst walking sedately along well?worn canal paths. also see, DIY Bathroom Design Very little is required for Gongoozling in terms of equipment although some water-proof clothing, binoculars and picnic can be useful dependent on the areas of interest and whether the trek is a long one.

One of the more fascinating aspects of Gongoozling is observing the intricate process of navigating the locks why not visit, RTF RC Quadcopters because there are still many manual locks. , Cardboard Model House Staircase locks consider, Cardboard Model House which could hold a few boats at the same time is often popular with enthusiasts also and many Gongloozers also collect memorabilia of canals such as postcards, photographs and paintings try, Home Improvement Remodeling and it can be nice to record canal ventures by taking photographs or having video footage.

If you are after an unusual hobby which includes the great outdoors, also see, Gun Display Cases then the lifestyle of the Gongoozler may be for you.

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