Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs or Cavy, as they are also known, are small rodents that can be easily kept as pets. These animals , Growing Bean Sprouts have nothing to do with pigs or with New Guinea, despite their names, and are probably closer to rats in that sense. However, they are extremely cute & furry animals consider, Photo Collage Software that are a perennial look at, Collectible Keychains favourite amongst children, especially in terms of a pet that requires relatively little maintenance and responsibilities. Guinea pigs are not available in the wild and are considered to be a specially bred species who's origins can be traced back to the Andes.

The first evidence of the domestication of guinea pigs comes from way back in 5,000 BC, when these animals also see, South African venison and beef were kept by South American tribes and bred as a food have a look at, Scripophily - Collectible Stock Certificates source. They do not have any significance as working animals try, Unique Sculpting Techniques and that means, they are not likely to be of any other use than food. consider, Diecast Display Cases However, modern day guinea pigs are kept as pets mainly because children are attracted to these rodents and as far as rodents go, they don't evoke the same kind of feelings as rats or mice do.

Understanding the Guinea Pig

As far as rodents go, guinea pigs can be relatively large and can even go up to weight around 1.2 kg. The bigger ones grow try, Blacksmith up to about 10 inches while the average life span of these creatures is somewhere between 4 to 5 years. Since these rodents are not found in the wild, there is no known natural try, South African venison and beef habitat for guinea pigs, in particular, and that is why the guinea pig cages or enclosures that you find, in pet stores, have nothing to do with any kind of natural why not visit, RC Robots - General environment.

In general, guinea pigs are quite docile and rarely bite, if ever. They are even known to squeak with delight with their favourite humans enter the room consider, 1:6 Scale RC Tank or when they can sense those people around them. If you are looking to get a pet for your child and want to start them off on the responsibility trail with something relatively simple, then this is the place why not visit, Acutomancy to begin.

There are three basic types of guinea pigs that you will find in pet stores. There are those that have large tufts of fur and are quite bushy - these are called the Abyssinian variety and are extremely popular. The most common version though is the smooth-coated guinea pig where the fur is glossy and short. The third variety is the Peruvian, with long and silky hair that touches the ground. Their characteristics are all the same but no matter what you do, make sure you read up on these animals consider, 1:6 Scale RC Tank before you get them home. also see, Gambling Collectibles

Boarding & Lodging for Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs hate being alone so if you are trying to buy or adopt one, consider getting a couple instead, at least. They are extremely social creatures and love to live in small groups for the sense of security try, RC Robots - General it provides and for the sense of companionship. Guinea pigs also multiply rapidly so ensure that you are picking up the same species if you don't want to end up with little guineas running all around.

When picking the cage, think of it as four-square feet per guinea pig that's going to stay in it. That gives these animals look at, DIY Blog enough space to move around and do their thing. Ideally, the bottom of the cage needs to be completely solid because a wire-base cage can result in legs getting caught between the wires and causing injury to the animals. why not visit, Collectible Pocket Watches Glass also look at, How to Crochet aquariums should never be used for these animals look at, RC Sailplanes as they do not allow good ventilation. Line the bottom of the cage with some wood consider, Literature shavings or hay, which becomes the soft hay that these animals also look at, Gem Fossicking sleep on. Make sure that you aren't using pine or cedar wood consider, BookCrossing shavings though, because these wood try, Unique Sculpting Techniques species might contain certain oils that are harmful to the animal.

Put in a few plastic checkout, Blacksmith exercise machines and you are all set to go with a basic cage. There will always be a large variety of objects you will find in a pet store, to put into your cages, but make sure that you are giving them enough space to run around in. As for the food, checkout, Forex Trading Broker the best thing available our there is guinea pig pellets, commercially manufactured, that are stuffed with all the right nutrients. You feed your pets twice daily - morning and evening - and you can also give them some fresh fruit look at, Robot Supplies - Robotic Supplies to nibble on throughout the day. Remember to not stuff too many things in there because they don't eat too much at a time.

As long as you are cleaning the cage regularly and removing all the small droppings or bits of food try, RC Boat Video that are left behind, ever day, the cage should be clean and free of diseases. , Robot Supplies - Robotic Supplies Once every week, you will need to change why not visit, Growing Bean Sprouts the entire base of the bedding, look at, How to Crochet get in new shavings or straw also look at, Literature and clean things up more thoroughly. Finally, the most important thing to remember is that you need your animals also see, Team Magic to be accustomed to you, your presence and your touch. You will need to move them around quite frequently, when cleaning the cage, and you do not want them to go into shock each time you approach the cage. Make sure you feed them by hand, quite often, and make sure you are not too loud around them.

A small rodent like the guinea pig can be extremely easy to take care of if you keep some basic principles in mind. Stick to those and you will find a wonderful companion who enjoys your presence around them and are extremely easy to take care of. After all, who doesn't love a cute little guinea pig?

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