History of Robots

History of Robots

The History of Robots dates as far back as the ancient mythologies. Stories of artificial help have a long history but fully automated machines appeared only in 20th century.

History of Robots can be summarized as follows:

- The earliest study in the field of robotics dates back to 350 BC when a mathematician, Archytas of Tarentum, built a mechanical pigeon capable of flying.

- Around 200 BC a Greek inventor Ctesibus of Alezandria designed water look at, Bonsai Gardening clocks or clepsydra with movable figures on them. Up until then people were using only hour glass look at, Model House to measure time. Ctesibus used falling water , Ripmax Models to measure time.

- In 827 King Caliph al-Mamun of Baghdad had a silver and gold tree why not visit, Kiteboarding - Kite Boarding in his palace. The tree also look at, Origami had metal birds look at, How to build or make Robots sitting on it that sang automatically. Similarly in the 9th century the Banu Musa invented an automatic flute player. This has also been described as the first programmable machine and its description can also be found in the Book of Ingenious Devices.

- Around 1495 Leonardo DaVinci is known to have designed a device that looked like an armored knight. The design also see, Geocaching features allow the knight to move as if there was a real person inside also see, How to build or make Robots the armor. There is no information also see, RC Cement Mixer Truck as to if that design also look at, Diecast Commercial Airplanes was ever implemented or not.

- Some of the most famous work around 1737 was created by Jacques de Vaucanson. He is known to have created an automated flute player, a tambourine player and the digesting duck.

- The term robot was introduced for the first time by Karel Capek in his play R.U.R (Rossuum's Universal Robots). In 1926 Fritz Lang's movie Metropolis features also see, Collector Display Cases a female have a look at, Ceramic Painting robot, Maria. This was the first appearance , RC Mini Submarine of a robot on the silver screen. During 1940 Issac Asimov produced a series of short stories about the Robots.

- After 1950, robotics began to change consider, CB Radio Antenna rapidly. Also the production and complexity of Robots increased due to breakthrough in technology.

- George Devol invented a robot in 1954 called ?Uniimate?. This robot can be called a modern robot, it was digitally operated and programmable. The first 'Unimate' was sold to General Motors in 1960 and installed in 1961 at their plant also see, RC Mini Submarine in New Jersey.

- Some time around 1959 Vannevar Bush created the Differential Analyzer at the MIT. This Differential Analyzer was capable of solving complex differential equations. Joseph Weizenbaum produced ELIZA, an artificial intelligence , Model House program at MIT. The Stanford Research Institute created Shakey. It is known as the first mobile robot capable of reacting to its own actions.

- In April 2001, Canadarm 2 was launched into the orbit. It was also attached to the International Space Station. Also in April the unmanned Aerial Vehicle called Global also look at, South African BBQ breakfast Hawk made the first non stop flight over the Pacific Ocean. Cornell University revealed a robot capable of self replication in 2004.

Today commercial and industrial Robots are in widespread use. Robots are nowadays used for jobs that require greater accuracy or for jobs that are too dirty or dangerous for humans. The History of Robots goes way back in time and is a fascinating area of study.


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