How to Apply Geofiction

How to apply Geofiction: Three Ideas

I love geofiction because it is a hobby you can do literally anywhere, as long as you have an imagination (a pen and paper helps). Geofiction isn't just limited to a notepad in the privacy of your own home, why not visit, Kite Plans though. You can apply geofiction in a variety of ways for even more fun.

The possibilities listed below are just some of the ways that geofiction is used today. The sky is the limit; whatever you can imagine, you can do. These are just some of the most-common applications of geofiction today.

Creating an Online checkout, Doll Making Pattern Multiplayer Environment

On the internet, have a look at, Stratego there are dozens of large constructed worlds (or conworlds) that involve multiple authors and creators working together on a single, unified geofiction project. These are often used in a role-playing sense, but do not have to be; a lot of times, these large projects are just ways for people to get together online also look at, Calligraphy Art and collaborate creatively.

I post on a website called, which is mostly for video games. But, on one of the boards, we have a large geofiction project that we have used for role-playing for going on ten years. Everyone participates and creates a small portion of the collective world, and together they form an entire universe.

Using Geofiction in Literature

Another popular use of geofiction is to incorporate geofiction projects into a short story or novel. In fact, many authors create geofiction for the express purpose of providing a foundation for the plot and characters of their work. Virtually every science fiction and fantasy novel out there uses geofiction to an extensive degree. This isn't limited to just those two genres, either; you can use geofiction in anything from murder mysteries to coming-of-age stories.

Geofiction and Role-playing Games

With the creation of tabletop gaming, geofiction became even more popular and branched out into a new and exciting area. Dungeons and Dragons in particular is an example of a franchise that is ripe for opportunities involving geofiction. The most entertaining sessions of D&D or any tabletop game are those that incorporate a detailed and creative world that goes beyond the scope of the specific game in question.

My friends play D&D, for example, and play campaigns that all tie into a vast geofiction universe that they created. That way, their individual gaming sessions are all part of one continuity, which gives perspective and meaning to each session and ultimately makes them far more entertaining than they would be normally.

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