Lotus Position

Lotus Position

The Ultimate Yoga Posture!

The Lotus position for many is the ultimate yoga position and symbolizes all that is yoga and its unique mind, body and spirit connection. The lotus position is one in which many people struggle to obtain due to an inflexibility in the knees, ankles and hips and regular practice of the lotus position is essential if the required flexibility is likely to be achieved.

Whilst yoga is about finding a deep sense of inner peace and a quiet contemplation, the physical aspects are about achieving a happier, healthier and leaner body which vastly increased flexibility. Most people tend to associate yoga with meditation and complex poses and one of the most significant poses is of course the lotus position.

The beauty of a regular yogic practice is that the benefits begin to be experienced immediately. Whilst the muscles and joints may be tense and stiff due to long periods of inactivity or little in the way of exercise, gentle, , Link Index Footer non-competitive yoga can very quickly undo the damage that our current lifestyles do to our bodies and we respond very quickly in a physical way to these postures. There are many basic yoga postures and they work on all aspects of the body from the joints, ligaments, tendons to the spinal column and internal organs and this is why regular yoga practice plays such a positive part in holistic health. The lotus position whilst being an advanced position for many, can be achieved by regular and determined practice, opening up the hip joints, increasing suppleness in the knee area and only ever working with the body and not against by forcing too extreme a position.

Yoga students who are keen to be able to sit comfortably within the lotus position should first of all test out their flexibility by regular seated poses primarily sitting cross legged. If this feels comfortable, a half lotus posture should be attempted ensuring that both legs are placed in this pose alternating to ensure balance of flexibility. There is no time limit to how quickly a student can reach the maximum pose as everyone?s body works in a unique and individual way.

Those students experienced within yoga should use their breathing techniques whilst in the posture, as this will help the body release any tension so that the full lotus position may be realised.

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