Maxon CB Radio

Maxon CB Radio

The Specifications of a Maxon CB Radio

This article introduces one of the first portable Maxon CB radio devices designed to function within the 26.965 to 27.045MHz frequency band. It is the compact Maxon HCB-10C. A lightweight unit that offers the utmost RF output power look at, Chinese Checkers which can be operated with batteries (9 AA alkaline/rechargeable Ni-Cad) or when vehicle powered. It can be used as a portable Maxon CB radio when powered by alkaline batteries or Ni-Cad batteries, or it can be used inside look at, Model Railways - Railroading of whatever means of transportation you like when a 12V connection is accessible. The HCB-10C Maxon CB radio also comes equipped with optional accessory jacks as an added convenience.

The accessory jacks make it possible for hands-free operations when being utilized with optional headsets, boom microphones and/or mini-VOX components. The HCB-10C Maxon CB radio can also be utilized with QPA-1425 Lapel/Speaker Microphones that come equipped with the Hi/Lo power , RC Stadium Trucks selection button designed for battery power try, Ripmax Models conservation. This particular Maxon CB radio also comes equipped with the Phase Locked Loop Synthesizer which allows for a clear and distinct voice to be transmitted with quality reception on every CB channel on the airwaves. It has a built-in Automatic GC (Gain Control) as well as an Automatic NL (Noise Limiter) which allows for consistent sound leveling and flawless reception. There is also an Automatic MC (Modulation Control) designed to eliminate transmission signals (peak and valley).

As you can see, the HCB-10C Maxon CB radio is fully loaded - and we're just scratching the surface of its many features. checkout, Poker Video The RF output power try, Course Benefits - Certificate III Aged Care of 4 watts is the maximum legal requirement in accordance with the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Part 95 Rules. The retail price listed for this particular Maxon CB radio is priced at an amazing $39.99, which is pretty awesome for a device that's loaded with 40 CB channels, a communication capability within 5 miles (based upon terrain) and for good measure, an LED channel display screen.

Let us also not forget that the use of this handheld Maxon CB radio device replaces the use of cell phones also see, Action Figure Collectibles in remote areas. Plus ,5 miles is a pretty good distance to be used on handheld Citizen Band radios. Not to mention, the HCB-10C Maxon CB radio also has a heavy duty "rubber duck" flexible antenna attached to it. The manufacturers also see, RC Spinners at Maxon were even kind enough to throw in a belt clip and a carrying strap as a hidden incentive for your personal handheld Maxon CB radio.

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