Mixed Media Collage

Mix it up! Create a mixed Media Collage!

A mixed media collage is created by simply mixing different media such as paint, consider, RC 1/10 Scale Cars ribbons, wires, metal try, Sugar free Chocolate Chip Muffins pieces, keys and fabrics in your collage, to create an absolutely new and original form of the art. Although, the range of the media to be used is almost infinite, yet the most common mixed media inclusions are paints, why not visit, Clothing Collectibles 1900 - 1950 charcoals, pastels and pencil sketches. Today, making a mixed media collage is a popular hobby among people of different age groups, mainly due to the limitless creativity involved. The technique of creating a mixed media collage can be applied to various forms such as art pieces, posters, calendars, cards, textiles and even jewelry.

To begin with creating a mixed media collage, you can either choose templates of either vintage or contemporary styles, or create an original composition of your own. In case of a template, it is preferable to customize it to make your art unique.

The basic ingredients of a mixed media collage are objects such as paper clippings, keys, playing cards, laces, ribbons, fabrics, old jewelry, tickets, beads, scrap book and bits and pieces of any unused things that you can lay your hands on, glue and a base, which can be an old book cover, canvas, wood checkout, Pencil Drawing Romantic Moments or cardboard. The most important decision is to choose a proper base, as it is the foundation of your collage. The look and feel of your base will actually dictate the layering and the outlook of your mixed media collage. Apart from cardboard and wood try, RC Ships as the base, you can use glass try, Online Home Improvement as the base to decoupage directly on it.

If you want a painted, greasy look for your base, start by painting consider, Home Improvement Video your base first and keep it aside to dry. It is advisable to glue the bigger pieces of your collection first and then go ahead with the smaller pieces. You need not adhere to the usual technique of using glue to paste the items on the base instead you can also go in for stapling, sewing or any other method which securely binds the pieces together. If you are using textile pieces, you can sew other items to it and later attach the combination to the base. If you draw an outline of your design why not visit, Dolls House Accessories on the base, it can act as guide for filling in the collectibles. After setting it aside to dry, you can add other embellishments to further beautify the collage.

The addition of dried flowers, why not visit, Online Home Improvement junk try, Digital Camera Accessories jewelry and glitter looks absolutely marvelous on mixed media collage though you should use them only according to your design. have a look at, Tombstone Rubbing - Gravestone Rubbing Some mixed media collage artists give a light also see, Japanese Robot Toys wash to their painted base or spray the base with coffee powder mixed with water also look at, Pottery Courses to add an antique look.

In addition, you can also search the internet have a look at, Buying RC Buggies for mixed media ideas and techniques to help you get inspired. Some of the latest and innovative styles include incorporating the mixed media collage technique to design have a look at, Tombstone Rubbing - Gravestone Rubbing garments with bits and pieces of other materials and to create jewelry with a mixture of different metals consider, Adhesion in Wood Carving and other substances like bits of painting look at, Crochet Pattern and pictures. Search for works of mixed media collage artists on the internet try, South African game recipe for venison ala Mrs Beeton and participate in blogs to get valuable information try, Crochet Pattern on this particular style of collage making. You can even go through books such as "Mixed-Media Collage: An Exploration of Contemporary Artists, Methods, and Materials" by Holly Harrison, to get a holistic idea of the beautiful, try, Collectible Fans innovative art of mixed media collage.

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