Poker Hands

Poker Hands

What are Poker Hands?

There are many varieties of poker hands which come about as result of different types of poker. Some varieties use the same ranking while other uses a different kind of poker hands ranking. The popular Texas hold em poker, Omaha high poker, Seven Card Stud poker, and Five Card Draw poker all uses the traditional high poker hands ranking.

Beginning with the highest poker hands, with the traditional poker hands ranking, the highest hand possible is the Royal Flush. This consists of five cards comprising of Ten, Jack, Queen, King and Ace in sequence with the same suit.  

The next highest rank will be the Straight Flush. This is any hand in sequence with the same suit which is not a royal flush. The next highest set of poker hands ranking is Four of a Kind. This hand consists of four cards of the same ranking with a side card. Below is an example of how the hand looks like.

In the event of a tie of poker hands, the cards with highest rank will win the hand. If the four of a kind is also the same rank, then the highest side card or kicker will be used to decide the wining hand. The Full House also see, Diecast Fighter Airplanes set of poker hands ranking comprises of three matching card rank and a pair of two cards with the same rank.
Next in line in terms of ranking is the Flush. This set of poker hands comprises all five cards having the same suit without any sequence. In the event of a tie, the player with the highest ranked cards will win the game.

After the flush, we have the Straight poker hands rank. The cards in this set of poker hands consist of five cards in sequence. They need not be of the same suit. If there is a tie, then the rank of the card will be used to determine the winning hand. Note that the Ace can be used as the front or the end of the sequence. For example, we can have A?, 2?, 3?, 4?, 5? or 10 ?, J?, Q?, K?, A?.

The Three of a Kind set of poker hands consist of three cards with the same rank and two kickers. If there is a tie, the highest ranked cards will be the winner. Sometimes, all the players might end up with the same ranked hand as the Three of a Kind cards are community cards. In this case, the highest kicker will decide who the winner is.

As the name implies, the Two Pairs set of poker hands comprises of two pairs of cards with matching ranks and one kicker. The kicker will be used to decide who will win the game if there is a tie with identical pairs.

Next in the ranking file is the One Pair set of poker hands. Here we have single pair of matching cards with three unrelated kicker. The highest pair wins and again if there is a tie, the side cards will be used to judge for the winning hand.

The last set of poker hands rank is the High Card. The high card is any hand that does not fall , DoubleUp Bike Racks into any of the above categorization. In this case, the highest set of cards wins.

As mentioned earlier, there are other types of poker hands as well but the traditional high hand is the mainstream set of poker hands.

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