Schulze Electronics

Schulze Electronics

Schulze Electronics is a German company that specialize in building accessories also look at, CB Radio Band for all sorts of RC models. Over the years, Schulze Electronics have built incredible expertise in cutting edge technology that ensures that their accessories try, South African Game Recipes are the topmost in the world. A company that began by serving just RC planes, Schulze Electronics has built its empire across all types of models and over almost the entire world.

For many years, Schulze Electronics have spent loads of time and effort into research on technology that runs the RC industry across the world. Their primary product checkout, Digital Camera Lens range dwells into the world of chargers, speed controllers and speed governors that are at the highest levels of technical advancements.

All Schulze Electronics products why not visit, Wood Carving Tools are meant for all sorts of RC models such as cars, boats & planes and even though the company began with RC planes, today, they are equally adept at designing and manufacturing accessories why not visit, Collectible Car Models for all sorts of RC vehicle models. The main idea behind all Schulze Electronics models is their ease of use and technical ability.

Schulze Electronics are known for their charger series, the ISL 8-936g as well as the Ecolader Series where the chargers are capable of documenting battery data using Microsoft WindowsTM software. In controllers, their MCD99 is considered to be one of the best universal controllers that are available for commercial usage. One of the first brushless 3-phase motion controllers, it is a universal controller that runs with almost all versions of normal airplanes like hotliners, helicopters or aerobatic planes.

Schulze Electronics are known for their microprocessor-controlled speed controllers that are used in cars. An optional interface cable allows you to connect your Schulze Electronics speed controllers to your PC or laptop and configure the controller for optimal performance. Off road performance is also enhanced by the water-proof capabilities of these controllers.

Incredible performance, small sizes, lightweight as well as unbelievable programming features try, CB Radio Band allow these controllers to be the best in the industry.

Schulze Electronics also provides the software required to control all their products, also see, Model Display Cases configure them as well as record data and copy it onto a PC or notebook.

All Schulze Electronics products also look at, Model Display Cases come with detailed instructions about how these products checkout, RC Nitro and Gas Boats can be configured and installed. This allows even the most newcomers to the hobby find these accessories also look at, Collectible Car Models extremely comfortable to install and use. When looking for the most reliable accessories why not visit, RC Clubs for your high end RC models, there is no better manufacturer also see, Disneyana Collectibles than Schulze Electronics.

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