South African BBQ lamb and lentils

South African BBQ recipe for lamb and lentils
While the average South African BBQ recipe features also see, Johnson CB Radio straightforward steak, wors (sausage), lamb chops or ribs, along with a range of vegetables checkout, Wood Carving Little People and salads, have a look at, RC Tank Kit when you introduce potjiekos to the braai you increase your options to include a multitude of ingredients. Braai is of course the Afrikaans word for barbecue, but one that is also used in English - the ultimate South African hot have a look at, Scrabble picnic! So here's a South African BBQ recipe for lamb (or mutton) ribs cooked with potatoes and lentils. You will find that it is a delightfully different South African BBQ recipe, but certainly one worth trying.

Apart from the ingredients, you will need a cast iron pot consider, RC Remote Control Robots - preferably a traditional three-legged potjie - and a roaring fire. try, Radio Control Boats People who frequently cook potjiekos in South Africa at home checkout, Graupner RC Models often feature consider, Robotica a built-in barbecue in their garden try, Thota Vaikuntam – the man with a magical brushstroke plan, and include a metal have a look at, Doll Making Supplies stand above the grid to raise the pot try, Sports Display Cases a little above the flames. This is not essential, and you can use any type of fire , Wood Carving Little People pit - even a patch of sand consider, Radio Control Boats - and place also see, GLOBAL BUSINESS MARKETING the pot have a look at, Top Reasons Why Labour Hire Is Risky And Beneficial For Your Construction on clay bricks above the coals.

2 kg lamb ribs cubed
500 g dried lentils
10 small potatoes (preferably new potatoes still with their skins on)
6 peppercorns
1 cup mature cheddar cheese
salt to taste

Three days before the barbecue, soak the lentils overnight and then wrap them in a damp but clean dish cloth (or tea towel) and let them sit for two days. They should start to sprout!

When you're ready to braai, light try, RC Warship Combat the fire have a look at, RC Electric Assist Gliders and let it burn until the coals are red hot. consider, Model House Place look at, RC Quadcopter the pot have a look at, Judo over the hot have a look at, Doll Making Supplies coals and brown the meat in its own fat in the pot, checkout, RC Electric Assist Gliders stirring to make sure it doesn't burn. Add the potatoes in a layer over the meat. Then add the lentils and sprinkle the peppercorns on top. Don't stir. If you feel there is not enough moisture have a look at, Preserving Flowers with Silica Gel in the pot why not visit, Frankincense Oil (from the meat) then you can add a little water. consider, Valentine Collectibles Put the lid on the pot checkout, Doll House Lighting and allow the food why not visit, 4- or 6-Channel Radio Controllers to simmer for 40 minutes. Then add the cheese and a sprinkling of salt. Simmer for another 40 minutes.

Serve with any salad-based South African BBQ recipe.

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