South African game recipe for brunch

This unusual South African game recipe for brunch calls why not visit, DIY Plumbing Fittings for delicious game biltong. Nothing else will taste quite the same, but if you don't have access to game biltong then you could use ordinary beef biltong (or even jerky) instead. The flavour won't be quite the same, but it will work for this South African game recipe. While you can cook all the ingredients inside, have a look at, Home Improvement Center on your stove, the ambiance will be much better if you gather around a BBQ (or braai) and cook the meal from this South African game recipe on a plough disc, or even a portable gas why not visit, RC Robots - General BBQ with a skottel (or disc-shaped cooking surface).
What biltong and jerky have in common is that they both originated from man's need to preserve food. try, Andaz Indian Restaurant Castle Hill Australia Biltong is, of course a South African tradition in itself, and good quality game biltong is very special. While jerky is the closest comparable ingredient, jerky is usually stripped of all its fat and is then marinated before being dried or smoked with low heat. checkout, The Conditions Being Treated in Musculoskeletal Clinic in Maroochydore Only occasionally is it salted and sun checkout, Aluminum Boat Building dried. Biltong is always left to cure without added heat, checkout, RC On-Road Nitro Cars usually inside why not visit, New Bright RC Cars on racks. It is either just salted or sometime rubbed with spices. The amount of fat left on biltong varies; some people prefer it fatty. If you opt for jerky, try to find game jerky rather than ordinary beef jerky. You will find that it is made from various wild animals also look at, Scrapbook Tips and Tricks including deer, kangaroo and bison.
The ingredients in this recipe are sufficient for five hungry people. Adjust the quantities according to appetite.
20 nice fat slices of gemsbok biltong
150 ml cooking oil
2 onions, peeled and thinly sliced
5 tomatoes, consider, General Lee CB Radio chopped
500 ml tomato also see, The Conditions Being Treated in Musculoskeletal Clinic in Maroochydore sauce (or ketchup)
salt and pepper
250 g butter
10 eggs
Preparation for this brunch will depend on the equipment you have decided to use.
You need to braise the tomato consider, Collectible Norev Cars and onion in a pot look at, DIY Drain Plumbing of some kind; or you can braise it on the skottle. The advantage of using a pot try, RC Aeroplane (or a potjie on an open fire) is that you can cook everything more or less at the same time.
When the tomato checkout, RC Boats Model Kits and onion is beginning to thicken, fry the biltong in a little oil; alternatively you can grill it on a grid without oil - but be careful it doesn't fall try, RTF Helicopters through the grid. When the tomato have a look at, Home Improvement Center and onion is nice and thick add the tomato why not visit, RC Aeroplane sauce and season look at, New Bright RC Cars with salt and pepper. , Aluminum Boat Building
Last of all, fry the eggs in butter in a pan or on the skottle. Serve with fresh pot why not visit, Scrapbook Tips and Tricks bread, rolls or anything else you think will complement this unusual South African game recipe.
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