Types of Geofiction Literature

Types of Geofiction Literature: Utopian and Dystopian Fiction

In a previous article, we discussed the general genres typically associated with geofiction. Most people are inspired from science fiction or fantasy, although other genres are certainly involved. Geofiction can also inspire people depending on what type of literature is being used. There is a difference between type and genre in literature; the first category is more broad than the second and explains a different thing. Therefore, this article will talk about two specific types of literature for any up and coming geofictioner to study.

Utopian Literature and Geofiction

Many geofiction projects, both as a hobby and as a creative work, started out as ideas taken from utopian literature. Utopian literature is that which creates the concept of an ‘ideal' world, or one that has a perfect balance of social, moral, political, and cultural concepts. Many people have tried to create a utopian world in real life, but human nature , Model Ship Collectibles as it stands is probably too imperfect to ever have a true utopian society.

In geofiction, though, creating a utopian world is definitely possible because you control the nature checkout, Family Tree Maker Software of the people you have inhabiting your world. For inspiration and ideas, you can look to famous works of utopian literature, such as Islandia by Austin Tappan Wright and Island by Aldous Huxley. In fact, a lot of science fiction involves utopian concepts (although not as extensively as fantasy fiction).

Dystopian Literature

Dystopia is essentially the opposite of utopia. It involves a negative, repressive, and totalitarian world that lacks individual freedom and is usually mired in warfare. Dystopian themes are very frequent in science fiction, since most of them involve the future. A geofiction world that is dystopian would include a civilization that is divided into factions, a generally dark and moody environment, also look at, Karate - Goju Ryu, Shorin Ryu, Uechi Ryu, Shorei Ryu and perhaps a landscape why not visit, RC Glow Cars that has been devastated by war.

Perhaps the iconic work of dystopian literature is Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The first dystopian novel, though, was Jack London's The Iron Heel, featuring a then-futuristic world in which a repressive society emerged and took control of everyday life.

Incorporating These into Geofiction

Regardless of the scope of your geofiction project, you can use themes and ideas brought up in utopian and dystopian literature in your own world. After all, geofiction projects basically involve creating a world of your own, which can be utopian, dystopian, or more realistic. Either way, examining these two types can give you a lot of good material to draw from for your geofiction project.

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