Venom Aircorps

Venom Aircorps

Venom Aircorps are one of the largest manufacturers , Notaphily - Paper Money Collectibles and biggest brand names in the world or radio controlled toys and models. Known primarily for their large range of world class helicopters, Venom Aircorps have built a strong reputation of making reliable, performance oriented and beautiful try, Freeroll Poker RC models. Despite a specialty in helicopters, Venom Aircorps are also known to make cars, boats and even motorcycles however their product look at, History of Martial Arts range may not be as expansive as their air-division.

In 2001, Venom Group International or VGI was born after Andrew Bolton and Clint Bower decided to combine their creative ideas and create a world class radio controlled toy and model making company. One of the key features why not visit, RC Drifting of Venom Aircorps, since its inception, has been the emphasis on quality control and research & development. VGI has constantly focused on excellent customer service along with emphasis on education & streamlining of the distribution chain, making the entire shopping experience a joy.

Today, Venom Aircorps is most widely known for their RC helicopter models such as the Kona Kopter, the Mantis and the awe inspiring Night Ranger.

Almost all Venom Aircorps products consider, RC Tank Combating are Ready-to-Run and these helicopters are no exception. The Kona Kopter is an excellent model for beginners who can fly this model inside try, Sugar Free Apple Sauce Muffins their house checkout, South African Game Recipes or in the outdoors. try, Aikido The model uses counter rotors instead of the tail checkout, RC Wheelies rotor, for stability and is incredibly responsive and easy to fly.

The Mantis is a model that has been designed and manufactured, by Venom Aircorps, with the beginning user in mind. There is no doubt that RC helicopter flying couldn't get any easier than this 2-channel model that runs just perfectly despite its large scaled body.

But if you are looking for something that requires a little more assembly, then you can always go in for the Almost Ready-to-Fly Night Ranger 3D XL. Designed to be flown by more experienced hobbyists, the Night Ranger comes with a pre-assembled chassis, but one that requires the installation of the motor and electronics. The model allows you to add in your own versions for the LiPo battery pack, the radio system, the servo as well as the gyro and brushless motor.

Venom Aircorps also produce these parts in their own manufacturing units and that means that there is no need to go elsewhere, hunting why not visit, RC Robotic Competitions for these parts.

If you are looking for planes, then Venom Aircorps offer a small but interesting range of micro products look at, History of Martial Arts such as the Micro Park Fighter or the Micro Drone. Made of Expanded Polypropylene, these models can take a lot of punishment and are simple enough to fly, even for beginners. The Drone, at 7gms, is an incredibly light also look at, DualSky aircraft that is ideal for indoor also look at, 8 Game Mix Poker or outdoor have a look at, Notaphily - Paper Money Collectibles flight.

Venom Aircorps opens up a new world of helicopters and planes that come at unbelievably low prices. Flying radio controlled aircraft has never been as fun, exciting and cheap as brought to you by Venom Aircorps.

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