Art and Crafts Weblogs Websites and Resources

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Away with the fairies.
Soule Mama
Little bits of peace, love and craftiness
The Fairy Ring - handmade toys
The Fairy Ring is a handmade and custom toy shop, specialising in 100% locally made toys.
The Yvestown Blog
Plays nicely with fabrics. My name is Yvonne Eijkenduijn, I live with Boris (who I affectionately call also see, Cape Malay recipe for bobotie 'The Bo') and our cat look at, RC RTS Boo in a new old house , Collectible Cap Guns in the Southern Part of The Netherlands. I've traveled the world and a thousand seas, decorated quite a few homes, consider, Collectible Fountain Pens raised 12 kittens, look at, DIY Plumbing Pipes baked a lot of cakes and now I'm about to move to Sweden. I'm a homemaker, blogger and photographer....

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CB Radio Talk CB Radio Talk
Arguably, anyone who is a CB radio enthusiast and anyone who wants to get into the field is interest

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Enya Engines Enya Engines
Enya engines are one of the most respected brands of RC model engines that are available today. For