Crafts for Teens Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Youth Sport and Hobbies > Crafts for Teens
Total Number of Links in this Category: 9
Art and Craft Webzine
Arts and crafts try, Fluffy Chocolate Cake webzine with 'how-to' information, also see, Demolition Contractors Melbourne tips , Hot Wheels Diecast and a kid's korner especially for children!
Easy Tie Dye - Textiles - KinderArt
Easy Tie Dye Recipes and Projects for you and your KinderArtists
CraftyNoodle - Kids Crafts
Free Kids Crafts checkout, Digital Camera SLR complete with detailed project instructions and photos
Art ideas
Instructions for paper and tissue art, 3-D construction, watercolors, and print making.
Joan Irvine: How to Make a Pop-Up
Joan Irvine, Canadian children's author, explains with step-by-step drawings, how to also see, BNF Planes make a simple pop-up card. - Creative Website by Michal Finegold
Michal Finegold's personal artist portfolio. Also includes fun games.
Kids Kreate crafts for kids of all ages
Step-by-step projects for kids of all ages.
Making Friends Cool Crafts for Kewl Kids
Thousands of free kids craft try, Capoeira ideas, exciting contests, discount craft consider, Diecast Scale Models supplies and free samples.
Young Embroiderers
Young Embroiderers - the textile discovery space for children and young people, and anyone involved in textile art, craft have a look at, Coins Display Cases and education.

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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