Daito Ryu Links Websites and Resources

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Total Number of Links in this Category: 3
Daito-ryu aikijujutsu - European Daito Ryu Aikibudo Daito Kai
This's official web have a look at, Hydro RC Boat site of the European Daito Ryu Aikibudo. International Association of Daito-ryu Aikibudo with center to Milan, Italy, directedby Certa Antonino Shihan. Here you will find all the information consider, RC 1/5 Scale Cars on the art created by the Clan Takeda, what:...
Itten Dojo
Itten Dojo -- Traditional Martial Arts of Japan: Sword, Stick and Aikido, loacted near Harrisburg, PA.
Association was founded by the students of Hisa Takuma (holder of Menkyo Kaiden), and the students of Nakatsu Heizaburo, who both studied Daitoryu under the guidance of Takeda Sokaku

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