Genealogy Software Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Genealogy Links > Genealogy Software
Total Number of Links in this Category: 10
The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding
The Next Generation allows you to put your genealogy on the Internet also see, Numismatics - Coin Collecting quickly and easily in dynamic fashion. Built with PHP and MySQL, it can run standalone or as a PHP-Nuke or PostNuke module. It includes simple & advanced searching, pedigree try, Parts for RC Buggies charts, desc...
Computer Management Corporation - The Genealogy Timeline
Genealogical and Historical Timeline software. Merges historical information try, History of Kites with family checkout, Philately data.
Genealogia English version
Genealogia: il primo programma italiano per ricerche genealogiche e storiche.
MatterWare On The Web - Family Matters Genealogy Shareware
Family Matters Genealogy Software from MatterWare
Genbox Family History Genealogy Software
Genbox Family why not visit, Quilting Material History is a powerful and easy-to-use genealogy/family history software program. Try free for 30 days and see.
Hereditree Family Tree Software
Easy to Use Australian Family checkout, RC Quadcopter Plans Tree Software for Windows consider, Sand Castle Building Terminology - Part Two XP and Vista.
phpmyfamily, home
An interactive, dynamic genealogical website builder utilizing php/mySQL. Opensource software. Allows users to import GEDCOM files, upload and share images and document transcripts.
Family Tree House
The Family also look at, Custom Glass Display Cases Tree House , Collectible Newspapers offers free family also see, Texas Hold Em Poker tree builders software, genealogy information also see, DIY Floor and genealogy links, newsletters, e-mail, insurance, mutual funds, and travel discounts for open enrollment association members.......
The Master Genealogist
Power Tools also see, How to Blacksmith for the Family consider, Falconry Historian.
Genogram Software and Ecomap Software : WonderWare, Inc.
genogram software and ecomap software that automatically generate genograms, intergenerational family why not visit, Future Robots process diagrams, and ecomaps, family , Display Boxes for Collectables community process diagrams, from menu selections and text input and travel in time with family checkout, Servicing a Nitro RC Car and community...

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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