Hapkido Organizations Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Sports & Activities > Martial Arts Links > Hapkido Links > Hapkido Organizations
Total Number of Links in this Category: 14
Grand Master Bong Soo Han
Under Grandmaster Bong Soo Han, 9th Dan in Hapkido. Includes instructor biography, magazine gallery, history, membership, seminars and merchandise. Based in Santa Monica, CA.
Hapkido International Association
Traditional Hapkido, Korean martial arts training also look at, DIY Bathroom Vinyl in Australia. Learn self defence and improve fitness. Supervised by Grand Master Bermas Kim, 9th dan Hapkido, affiliated with the Hapkido Moo Moo Kwan Association of South Korea. ...
Hoshinkido Hapkido Belgium
Under Grandmaster Serge P. Baubil, 8th dan in Hapkido, 5th dan in Taekwondo and Qwankido. A new Korean martial art system that has been recognized by the Korea Kido-Hapkido Association. Includes history, master profile, clubs, related links and pictures....
International Hapkido Alliance - Net Dojang
Under Master Geoff Booth, 7th dan Hapkido. Includes master profile, events, newsletters and articles, merchandise, technique mpegs, korean terminology, awards, method of belt tying and dobok folding, photos and related links. Based in NWS, Australia....
International Hapkido Federation Australia
Hapkido,HapKiDo is a system of training why not visit, Alomancy and self-defence that is based on honour, self respect and care for others. It is suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds. Literally translated HapKiDo means way of unifying/coordinating/harmonising universa...
International HAPKIDO Federation of Young-Shil Chang
Under Grandmaster Jang Young Shil, 9th dan Hapkido. Includes services, history, news and products. , Candle Making Wax Based in Oakland Park, Florida.
International Hapkido Federation World Headquarters
International Hapkido Federation World Headquarters, Rank Certification, Membership Information, try, DIY Bathroom Wall History, Korean Swordsmanship and Weapons Program, On-Line Video, Book, and Audio Catalogs. President and Founder, Grand Master James S. Benko, Ph.D....
italian hapkido and martial arts
Italian site of hapkido and martial arts. International champion and master Alessio Peluso.
KHI Hapkido
Under Master Michael Forster, 7th dan in Hapkido. Includes philosophy, history, master profile, photos and related links. Based in Prince George, BC, Canada.
National Korean Martial Arts Association - NKMAA
Under Grandmaster Rudy W. Timmerman, 8th dan in Hapkido and 5th dan in Jiu Jitsu. Nonprofit association dedicated to provide politically free assistance and support to Korean style martial artists of all ranks and disciplines. Includes description, grandm...
Nebraska Hapkido Association
Members of the US Hapkido Association and the U.S.A. Tae Kwon Do Federation. Includes Hapkido and martial arts description, classes, dojang directory, belt rankings, related links, bookstore and articles. Based in Lincoln, Nebraska....
United States Hapkido Federation
Under President Donald Burns, 7th dan Hapkido. Includes seminars, affiliated schools, consitution, related links, officers profiles, black belts names, kunja , members listings and forms, newsletter, rank requirements, reiki and events. Based in Bloomingt...
World Hapkido Association
Under Master Tae Jung, 8th dan Hapkido and Master Hui Son Choe, 7th Dan Hapkido. Includes member application, news, definition, history, masters profiles, online checkout, Niagara Kite Festival USA courses and bookstore. Based in Thousand Oaks, California....
World Kido Federation
Under Grandmaster In Sun have a look at, CBD Movers Brisbane Seo, certifies ranks in 31 Korean martial arts including Hapkido who also heads the Korea Kido Association and Korea Kuk Sool Won. Includes history, chronology, profiles, logo, news and events, training consider, Collectible Match Safes - Vestas and principles, membership,...

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