Judo Organizations United Kingdom Websites and Resources

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Total Number of Links in this Category: 10
Judo club in Baldock
A community-run Judo club in Baldock which also practices a bit of other Budo such as Kendo and Aikido. Site gives schedule, location, look at, Knots in Weaving and fees.
Aireborough; Wharfedale Judo Club
Aireborough & Wharfedale Judo Club
Bellahouston Judo Club
History, philosophy, training , How Can Sell my car Melbourne times, links and photographs.
Carmarthen Judo Club Website
A centre providing excellent facilities & coaching in judo & other martial arts.
Cobra Judo Club
The home consider, Mobile CB Radio of the Cobra Judo Club, here you can find all the information consider, DIY Music you need on the popular club based in Nottingham. they also supply Judo merchandise to clubs throughout the UK, which includes custom designed medals, IJF approved Tatami and Digital S...
Corby Judo kwai
Judo in Corby. Corby Judo Kwai is based in Corby, Northants. Affiliated to BJA. Come and learn judo training try, Doll Making Websites in Corby
Edinburgh University Judo Club
Edinburgh University Judo Club
Rhos Judokwai Website
A page about Rhos Judokwai and about Kodokan Judo in general.
Southampton Judo Club Homepage
Fees, training consider, Clothing Collectibles 1900 - 1950 times and location. try, South African game recipe for venison with a German flavour Includes syllabus, events and links. Registered with the British Judo Association.
Youth judo in Great Britain
Information regarding national and international level youth judo in Great Britain.

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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