Karate Organizations Websites and Resources

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Total Number of Links in this Category: 22
One of The Strongest Associations in UK with the most Junior and Senior students Being Selected for their Country. consider, RC ARS
Seishi-Ryu Karate Kobudo Federation
SKKF, Martial Arts dedicated to the old ways, Okinawan and Japanese Karate and Kobudo
Traditional Karate Association
Ricky Adams non-political organization for grading Shito ryu karate, Dento ryu kobudo and Goshin Budo jiujitsu. Includes ranking requirements, kata lists and contact email address.
Sabakido - The Ashihara Way
Organization in Sweden. Features consider, Breaking in Fuel-Powered RC Jeeps school list, links, history, and contact information. also look at, Protecting Your Home Professional Wasp Removal in Abbotsford
Ashihara Karate International - Japanese Fighting Karate
Ashihara Karate, led by Karate Kaicho Hoosain Narker of South Africa, is a practical karate system based on Sabaki - Japanese Fighting Karate.
the English Karate Federation
The governing body for Karate in England recognized and supported by the national sports council, the European and World Karate Federations. Includes organization structure and history information, why not visit, Doll Collectibles a search engine for member clubs, contact details and an...
The official body representing Karate in Europe. A member of the World Karate Federation. Includes information why not visit, South African game recipe for spiced Springbok on the organizational structure, Karate history, competition rules and championship events....
GKR Karate Central
The complete guide to GKR Karate - History, Etiquette, Kata descriptions, Training consider, Family Tree Book tips, Teaching tips, , Embroidery History Nutrition advice, look at, RTF Models Quotes and more!
International Traditional Karate Federation
Site features checkout, Dynamite RC Accessories description of traditional karate, technical information, consider, Parsnip and Date Cake pictorials, news, events, organization links and contact information. try, Chemistry Experiments with Sodium Bicarbonate
International Martial Arts Alliance - Martial Arts for Professionals
A community of Karate clubs and individuals sharing skills consider, Collecting rare Coins and knowledge for all martial arts. Includes articles, events, training try, Military Coin Display Cases tips and lessons.
Karate-Kazoku Kai International
Kazoku Kai has clubs with Senior Instructors from all four main styles of Karate,Wado-Ryu,Shito-Ryu,Goju-Ryu and Shotokan.
KIKA Video Clip
Organization affiliated to the National Association of Karate Martial Arts Schools and teaching Wado-Ryu Karate. Features have a look at, Traditional Kids Birthday Cakes club history, picture gallery, instructor biography, black belt register, training , Quilting Material locations throughout the UK, links, courses and st...
NIMA Karate in England and Scotland - Main Menu
NIMA is an independent Karate school with EKGB approved instructors
Seido Karate Australia
A Branch of the World Seido Karate Organisation based in Sydney, Australia. Features also look at, Superstar CB Radio style description, news, events, dojo directory, and related organization information. checkout, South African game recipe for venison with a German flavour
Southwest Association of Tournaments
Southwest Association of Tournaments is an open ratings system covering Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.
Ty-Ga Karate International Website
TY-GA karate, an effective, powerful martial art for modern day.
United Karate Alliance, Inc.
UKA is a tournament and ratings organization providing a professional sport karate circuit, on-line ratings, published rule book, tournament schedule, and photo gallery
World Budo Federation
An organizational site that includes membership, links, and contact information
Welsh Contact Karate/Kickboxing Association
This site provides information also see, Sterling Silver Collectibles on the welsh contact style of karate and other details regarding this new exciting mixed martial art
The representative of world Karate aimed at having kata and kumite competition, governed by a set of rules and guidelines acceptable to the International Olympic Committee, accepted as official events in the Olympic Games....
Organizational site. Features have a look at, RC Fuel Tanks history, news, instructors and events.

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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