Karate Schools Texas Websites and Resources

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Total Number of Links in this Category: 4
American Free Style Karate
American Free Style Karate is the study and practice of self-defense that is both challenging and invigorating. This class is designed for children, teens, and adults. It is a contact form of martial arts that can be fun, rewarding, and exciting! Open to...
Chayon-Ryu Karate
Chayon-Ryu is a Martial Arts system based on natural have a look at, Racing Diecast Models movements found within each of its parent styles; Chinese Chu'an Fa, Korean Taekwon, Okinawa-Te, Judo/Jujitsu, and Hapkido/Aikido. Chayon-Ryu is not a new style, it is a new way to teach Classical Style...
Suggs' American Karate We Pledge alligance to our Flag
Located in Lufkin. History, class information also see, Fiberglass Boat Building and photographs.
J. Pat Burleson's site providing seminar details, American Karate system dojo locations also look at, Kite Festivals in Texas and a base for the World Martial Arts Ranking Association with member list and biographies.

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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