Kyudo Links Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Sports & Activities > Martial Arts Links > Japanese Martial Arts > Kyudo Links
Total Number of Links in this Category: 9
Short english page with contact adresses.
Kyudo - Meditation Archery
Kyudo is traditional Japanese archery -- the 'Zen Art of Archery.' Miyako Kyudojo in Washington, DC area. Our teacher is Shibata Kanjuro Onyumishi.
Kyudo at Indiana Kyudo Renmei
Affiliated to ANKF/AKR. Practice times, location, try, How to make a Doll photos and brief outlines of the art, the Wadokan dojo and instructors.
Kyudo: Japanese Archery
The national governing body for all Kyudo in the USA affiliated to the All Nippon Kyudo Federation (ANKF). Contract addresses and s of the USA state organizations and dojos.
A Japanese site with some English content. Movie of a Kyudoka, Japanese texts with English translation, a Japanese-English Kyudo dictionary.
Suomen Kyudoliitto ry - Finnish Kyudo Federation
of Finnish Kyudo Federation
The Kyudo Project Incorporated
Serving the active kyudoka outside look at, Premium Range of Spirits and Alcohol, Delivered With Love Only at Spirit Masters Japan, dedicated to 'timely and accurate information'. Worldwide , ERTL Diecast contact addresses and links, lots of competent background information, consider, RC Ducted Fan articles, and translations of Japanese texts....
The Shiseikan Kyudo Dojo
A nifty Japanese archery dojo in theSouth San Francisco bay area.
United Kingdom Kyudo Association
The kyudo association of Great Britain (EKF-affiliated), very short information why not visit, Model Ship Collectibles and an email address

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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