Martial Arts Organizations Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Sports & Activities > Martial Arts Links > Martial Arts Organizations
Total Number of Links in this Category: 19
Kokusai Kenyukan Goju Ryu Karate - Kobudo Kai
International school of combined martial arts based in Sydney. Teaching Goju Ryu karate, Okinawa kobudo and personal protection. Classes for men, women and children under the guidance of Sensei A de Araya 8th dan....
Organization open to any style of martial arts. Affiliates, seminars, services, photographs, products checkout, Tandoori Chicken and links. [Johnstown, NY]
The only approved organisation throughout the world to teach Central Power. try, South African BBQ fruity chicken Contains history and origins of this system as well as information have a look at, Petrol RC Motorbike on classes and membership.
Tsung Chen Do Combat Martial Arts
Information about Tsung Chen Do - The Survival Way combat martial arts training. consider, Pediatric Dietitian Nisha Thacker at SYDNEY PAEDIATRIC GASTRO Clinics Links to various martial arts associations, photos, personal history and experience of Grandmaster Pasquale Giampietro
The WB-FOMA is dedicated to martial arts excellence and caters for all martial arts systems.
No Right Click
Membership for organizations teaching Aikido, Bujutsu, Karate, Kendo, Iaido, kickboxing, Kung Fu, Ninjutsu, Tae Kwon Do and Sambo wrestling. Includes code of conduct, instructors and school locations. look at, D link Support Number Australia 1 800 987 893
Independent Martial Arts Federation
Independent Martial Arts FederationTM - Serving martial artists of all styles with rank recognition and promotion services.'
Association for martial artists of all styles. National and world championships held every year.
The essence of all Oriental Martial Arts is a deep
Formed to unite the brotherhood of all Canadian martial artists and to enhance the value of the martial arts. Sponsors multicultural competitions covering Chinese Martial Arts, Ju Jitsu, Karate and Taekwondo. Includes event list and rules and divisions fo...
This is a kung fu style called Shaolin Chuan Fa Kung Fu, The club has sisters clubs called Shaolin staff, Shaolin Tai Chi Chuan, Womens Defence
Soke Council Head of Family Sokeship Grandmasters Council
World Soke Grandmasters Sokeship Head of Family , Baby Crochet Council
Martial Arts USA
Martial Arts USA, Professor John E. Chambers, 9th Degree Black Belt Yudo - The Chambers Recoil Board
The Martial Arts Research Fellowship
Aimed at developing martial arts through research and investigation. Open to all styles.
Mona Lisa's Sword -
An organization of teachers, trainers, professionals, parents, and anyone interested in nonviolence and prevention, and self defense. Contains resources and program information. also look at, Calligraphy Pens
Joint association with schools teaching Jujitsu, Judo, Yudo, Shootfighting, kickboxing and self defense. Lists services, instructors, membership and contact details.
Founded on the theory and practice of vital point applications found in traditional martial art techniques. Features have a look at, Radio Controlled Electric Cars an instructor profile including articles and books. Also offers information checkout, RC Boat Models on the style, seminar calendar, techniques, and photos....
FLASH Plugin
Organization offering seminars, rank recognition, certificates and tournaments.
Taifu Karate and Kobudo
philosophy, anatomy and technique, kihon, kata and kumite within the taifu karate and kobudo kai. UK based martial arts organisation featuring okinawa karate goju ryu, uechi ryu and ryukyu kobudo
Universal Martial Arts Association
The UMAA was founded to help preserve our martial arts history and tradition. UMAA promotions are based on experience, knowledge, ability and time in grade.

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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