Roller Skating Canada Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Sports & Activities > Skating > Roller Skating > Regional Roller Skating > Roller Skating Canada
Total Number of Links in this Category: 3
Toronto Trailbladers....Inline Skating Club
Inline skating club based in Toronto that rollerblades on trails throughout Ontario. Our motto is Fitness and Fun among Friends.! Your Destination for Roller Skating in Canada
Welcome to! A site devoted to Roller Skating originating from Ontario, Canada This site is for anyone young or old, interested in every facet of quad roller skating. We've also got room have a look at, Stained Glass Equipment for inline skaters too!...
Vancouver Torrent
The National Skate Patrol's Stanley Park Chapter, in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, is a component of the International Inline Skating Association's (IISA) effort to encourage the safe checkout, Asian Antiques and enjoyable use of inline skates....

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