Canoeing and Kayaking Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Sports & Activities > Water Sports > Canoeing and Kayaking
Total Number of Links in this Category: 3
Acacia Canoe Sales and Hire
Queensland's premier white water checkout, Acrylic Display Cases paddling outlet, ACACIA CANOE SALES AND HIRE is run by paddlers for paddlers. We provide quality canoeing equipment and the best advice consider, RC Boats to both beginners and experts alike. WE OFFER: - COMPETITIVE HIRE RATES on white water also look at, RC Helicopter kayaks, sea kayaks and recreational touring canoes and kayaks. - EXPERT ADVICE on Australian East Coast paddling destinations and conditions. - COURSES in basic canoe or kayak skills, checkout, Sig RC Models white water why not visit, Gothic Stained Glass Patterns and rolling technique. - QUALITY GEAR AT COMPETITIVE PRICES. We give independent and unbiased advice , RC Tank Parts on the most suitable products why not visit, Old Robot Toys for your paddling needs. Allow us to help take the "hassle" out of your purchasing decisions. Call why not visit, Old Robot Toys today with your lowest quotes on canoes, kayaks, sit-on-tops and paddling accessories. checkout, Acrylic Display Cases ...
Acacia Canoe Sales and Hire
Robert Faubert Photographer - Kayak, raft and canoe
Professional whitewater kayak, raft and canoe photography
Paddling Knots
Knots used in kayaking canoing and rafting fully illustrated and described.

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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