Baasar Stone Pty Ltd (Listing id 9271)

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Phone No : 03-93577780
Mobile No: 430306365

Baasar Stones Pty Ltd. 179 BARRY ROAD, CAMPBELLFIELD VIC 3061
Melbourne Victoria 3061

Baasar Stone consider, Preserving Flowers with Stems is a leading Marble, Granite and Natural look at, Fireworks stone suppliers based in Melbourne. We are specialist in Granite benchtops and experts in Marble benchtops.
At Baasar Stone checkout, Sugar Free Drop Scone Muffins Pty Ltd we are committed to provide trusted service to our customers and we go extra mile to ensure our customer are satisfied with the Natural consider, Fiberglass Boat Building stone they are selecting for their homes. also look at, Blacksmithing Tools
Address:- 179 Barry Road, Campbellfield, Victoria, 3061

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