Ducker Physio (Listing id 13553)

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Phone No : (08) 8333 0322

465/467 The Parade
Adelaide South Australia 5072

Ducker Physio was initially a family why not visit, Philosophical Languages owned company first established in 1992. It has steadily grown over the years beyond being solely family also look at, RC Quadcopter owned. Currently, ownership is with one of the original founders in Mark Ducker who is our Managing Director have great enthusiasm and work ethic to continue to drive the requirements of patients on a daily basis and focus on improvement try, DIY Repair with all aspects and also listening to feedback.

This ad has been viewed 749 times since its launch on (12/10/2020)

The owner of this listing was in "Japan" when this ad was placed.

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Gyms and Health Clubs



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